Guidance“Rules and procedures for conducting inspections of Ukrainian chemical enterprises by national competent authorities. Rights and responsibilities of competent authorities and economic operators. Prerequisites for successful passing the inspection. »


This guidance is designed for chemical companies, legal entities registered in Ukraine, which manufacture or sale various chemical products.

Guidance highlights the procedures for state supervision of chemical companies and products placed on the market or manufactured in order to ensure safety of human health and the environment, as well as to prevent emergencies. The guidance does not consider the prerequisites and procedures for state supervision of financial operations of companies, formal organization of their activities, etc.

The target users of the guidance does not include manufacturers of pharmaceutical and veterinary products, food, feed, nuclear materials, military products, although many of the described procedures of state supervision may affect such companies, because in their activities sphere they use chemicals, including hazardous, emit such substances or their derivatives into the environment and put at risk their employees for adverse exposure.
