Cхвалено рамковий законопроект “Про хімічну безпеку та управління хімічною продукцією”

18 жовтня 2022 року у першому читанні схвалено рамковий законопроект “Про хімічну безпеку та управління хімічною продукцією” (реєстр. №8037).

Законопроект спрямований на побудову національної системи управління хімічними речовинами на кшталт європейської. Будуть імплементовані європейські технічні регламенти REACH та CLP, запроваджена система класифікації GHS, створена єдина база небезпечних хімічних речовин тощо.


Analytical study “European Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading System (ETS) and the Border Carbon Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). The state of harmonization of national legislation in the sphere of economy decarbonization and possible consequences for Ukrainian business. Special emphasis for national producers of nitrogen fertilizers, metallurgy and carbon black.

The purpose of this analytical study is to review the current European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) and the future Border Carbon Adjustment Mechanism (EU CBAM), determine the degree of harmonization of relevant Ukrainian legislation in this sphere and provide forecasts of financial impact on Ukrainian exporters of certain products in the EU due to the entry into force of EU CBAM.

The main purpose of this study is to provide a quick understanding of the general mechanism of the EU ETS and EU CBAM, their structural elements and their relationships, thus specific technical features and administrative procedures of these systems are not discussed in detail, they will be the subject of separate research.

The findings of this study are based on available information and logical reasoning of the developer.


Guidance "Criteria for prioritizing chemical substances due to their hazardous properties or likelihood of their use as weapons, explosives, drugs or as precursors for their production. Especially hazardous, poisonous, narcotic, dual-use chemical substances."

This guidance is designed to analyze the hazards of chemicals registered as dangerous factors, to create a methodology for their distribution due to their hazardous properties for taking additional regulatory measures in accordance with future legislation of Ukraine in the sphere of chemical safety and security management.

The workshop is intended for use by responsible employees of business entities and central executive bodies whose activities are related to the regulation of chemicals circulation.

Huge part of the guidance is performed in the Excel spreadsheet, which lists all chemical substances from the State register of dangerous factors, their hazard classification according to GHS, pre-prioritization by criteria for especially hazardous and poisonous chemicals.


Guidance "Search and legal use of non-confidental data on chemicals and registrants published on the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) portal"

This guidance is designed to facilitate the search for relevant and valid information on the hazards of chemicals and the results of risk assessments, which is published by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) on its website.

The workshop intentionally provides a minimum of links to ECHA site pages in order to quickly train professionals to navigate the site, as ECHA often updates it, changes links, their names, but the algorithm itself remains stable.

Ability to speak and read in English or cooperation of specialists with an interpreter is required to use the ECHA website and analyze the data.


Guidance “Processes of notification to EU poison centers on hazardous mixtures in accordance with Annex VIII of the CLP Regulation. The role and participation of non-EU companies for saving of confidential information.»

In CLP Regulation there is the requirement for the designation in any EU country of certain authoritiesor institutions as Poison centers, whose main task is to develop recommendations for first aid and further treatment of persons exposed to hazardous mixtures and provide them to medical and emergency services.

In turn, legal entities have to provide these authorities with information on the composition and hazards of mixtures they place in EU market, assign a unique identifier and place it on product labels.

The wguidance highlights these processes and provides advice to non-EU suppliers on providing information to EU importers while preserving confidential information.


Guidance "Intermediates. Practical recommendations for use of intermediates in strictly controlled conditions and for development of a technical dossier in the latest version of IUCLID for registration purposes.

This guidance highlights the requirements for the use of chemical substances which are to be registered according to REACH Regulation and which may be registered under a simplified procedure - the registration of intermediate but adverse exposure of which must be fully minimized and controlled. Read in full


List of national manufacturers of disinfectants (biocides)

Due to the epidemiological situation in Ukraine regarding the spread of strains of influenza serotype C and subtypes of serotype A (A / H1N1, A / H1N2, A / H3N1, A / H3N2 and A / H2N3) and the threat of an epidemiological situation related to with the spread of coronavirus strain SARS-CoV-2 (2019-nCoV), we publish a possibly inexhaustible list of national manufacturers of disinfectants (biocides). Read in full


Guidance "Changes in EU legislation on the fertilizers placing on market. Review of the requirements of the new EU regulation on fertilizers (fertilizing products)."

This guidance is designed for national fertilizer manufacturers and trader companies to clarify the provisions and provide recommendations in preparation for the transition to new rules for placing of fertilizer products to the EU market when exporting fertilizers.

The new rules are introduced by Regulation (EU) 2019/1009, which establishes rules for the placing on the EU market of fertilizing products, for CE labeling and ammends Regulations (EU) № 1069/2009 and (EU) № 1107/2009. The new Regulation repealed Regulation № 2003/2003 of 13 October 2003 on fertilizers.
